Remco from buildinginfo called, if I could help him to update his branding? Yes, would love to. He had written a book about BIM implementation and needed somebody to design it and update his website, a powerpoint for his workshops in the same style would be great. We met and had a nice walk along the beach of the Hague where their office is located. We had not seen much of each other in the past fifteen years, and it was good to hear him talk about his love for sailing and kitesurfing mixed with his dreams about his work and his company.
It soon became clear that his main target was to find a smart way through challenges in life. In the hall of his office a poster of jaws, with a quote; everything will kill you so choose something fun. He said that as soon as he stepped on his board it was just him and the sea. He wasn't afraid, he loved her. In his work he loved the challenge, how to get from the storming part to performing. To stay calm and find a smart way through was a challenge he liked. We walked along the lighthouses and he told me he named his son Max Faro and his daughter Mare after the sea. To me it was obvious this was the core. He had studied architecture and just like sailing the sea, he wanted to find the best way in the sea of the building process.
When I said I liked the lookes of kite surfing but it seemed too hard to learn to understand the wind and everything else at sea. He just smiled and said that things that are hard to learn are the best things to do. If things are easy they bore really quickly. With those words ringing in my ears I went home.
I send him some basic strategic questions to talk about with his colleagues, and with the answers we were well on our way to develop the concept for the brand.
What kind of clients might need help with implementing BIM, I came up with five or six personas. Linked-in was incredibly helpful to figure out their other interest.With these persona's in mind it was easier to gather some reference materia. I collected some examples for logo's, illustration styles, photography and pictograms. The isometric style turned out to be best suited for the job. It gave the hole thing an architectural look. I made some first designes that were a bit too illustrative, then adjusted the style it needed to be bolder, more masculine to make it trustworthy.
We wondered how to explain the implementation proces to people in a way that would be more interesting than it looked. The stages in teambuilding popped up in conversation; forming, storming, norming and performing and sailing, kiting at sea was obviously the perfect metaphor for a building procedure; you went through all kinds of weather, could get pretty lost in a storm needed a lighthouse or a beacon, and your instruments. The building process was similar; without preparation and BIM many things could go terribly wrong.
It would be nice to combine the text and dry info graphs with beautiful pictures of the sea in all kind of weather, beautiful colours, uplifting proces related quotes and use large numbers and ABC to communicate that Building Info would guide your company through the BIM implementation one step at the time.
This is what came out.
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