Sketch proposals, VWS congratulation cards.

The ministry of VWS asked me to design some special congratulation cards that could be used for all kind of sport events in which a dutch sportsman/woman or team had won, summer winter and for 75 different sports. With white space for a personal congratulation from the minister of sports.
VWS had to choose a couple of sports because it was impossible to fit all 75 sports that are played in the Netherlands. As you can imagine it was difficult to make a choice what sport should be on the card.

To compensate those who could not be represented with an illustration we waved stories about great sportsmen through the images, stories about great talented and driven men and woman from the Netherlands. Their stories of defeat and glory are wonderful. We added well known sport slogans and eventually designed 4 special cards, one for every season. Digital printing makes it possible to add text to the card and print a special edition for each occasion.
Our inspiration came from this website


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