Shakespeare: Much ado about nothing..
I was assigned to create an image for a play but unfortunately the client did not like where it was going so they bought another illustration. Check out the illustrators site nice work of fabianciraolo
I was already in the middle of the process, which was fun so I am not going to stop and make it my own project.
It is a fun subject, since everybody around me is falling in and out of love...spring is in the air, harts are opening like blossoms, but not every blossem turns into fruit. How many times can a hart bloom. Love is a wonderful feeling, but the crash you make if it does not last forever is like having motorcycle accident in a bikini. I do think love in the broadest sense, as a feeling of appreciating everything life has to offer, is a wonderful thing, but when it comes to an obsessive compulsive disorder it is not such a good thing. The great thing about being fired is that you can let go of all other opinions and make what you want. I was discussing this with Raoul a good friend and designer, wondering where to draw the line and take the lead in the project, is it possible to overrule the client, yes of course have to hit target in the end.
Would you, if you finish the illustration the way you think is best and let nobody interfere?
My best work is free work that is for sure, either there was no art director, or one who did not get involved and was just supportive. There are very few art directors who know how to art direct illustrations.
Should you show a client the sketches, can he understand where it is going? That is hard.
Well nevermind the briefing, what is interesting is the play, Shakespeare and "much ado about no(t)hing."
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