Iconologic founder Brad Copeland and me in an Olympic store, holding up a t-schirt haha.
We met for lunch, which was really great, because he's been working behind the scenes for so many Olympic games in the passed and knows a lot about everything that is involved with such a huge event.
Iconologic developed the graphic identity for Torino, just google if you want to know more.
It so much bigger than I could have ever imagined. There are so many people involved, so many people watching, so many feelings people have.
It's very difficult to make everybody happy, but the more I speak to people the more I realize everybody is trying so hard to do that.
He worked with Leo Obstbaum the creative director of the vanoc designteam as well.
It feels good to meet some people who have known him and worked with him too.
And most of all to share some good memories about how much fun it was to work with him, such a great personality.
The thing is, that not many people take the effort to share every presentation, every special moment that is part of the process. Leo was somebody who knew how nice it is to be part of the process. He took the time and called to share every great event, and every meeting in the process of the presentation.
Like this: hi Irene are you awake? I just met the prince of orange and I told him a dutch designer developed the pictograms!!
You can imagine how wonderful that is, because it's not just a job it's a huge part of your life because there is not much time left for anything else. He managed to give the hole process an extra dimension, the dimension of friendship and real compassion for each other and for the designs.
I know he liked and admired Brad Copeland, and I know Brad feels the same way about Leo. Things are falling into the right place this week. Which is an amazing experience that makes me very happy.


  1. Hey Irene,

    Je staat hier ook in de krant (De Gelderlander), ik heb het uitgeknipt en zal het naar je sturen!


    Trots neefje Eric!

  2. Hey Eric, leuk!! haha, lief dat je even het artikel mailde! groet irene


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