Dream team working for vanoc.

Here all my friends! Thank you guys! From the top clockwise, Roï Kazzaz, my sweet friend and great personal coach and business-adviser who accompanied me to the presentation in Vancouver, august 2007. On a UBC mountain bike on Burrard bridge. Sketching the designs. The presentation room. Whistler hotel room, with mountain view. Caroline Buckingham my greatest friend, who is always there at the other end of my mailbox bringing a smile on my face with her inspiring pictures of nature and animals and her beautiful drawings during the long days alone at work. Close to Bowen Island, killer whale watching, thinking wow me Irene I am in Canada. Ilonka Kamans my cool friend, who always takes me sailing in the middle of the night and is a great Criminal lawyer. Who is the big motivating machine behind almost everything that happened, with Roï her husband. The “just do it” guys. And “snowflakes never fall in the wrong place”, and last but not least “it’s good to have an end to journey towards, but it’s the journey that matters in the end”. Me in a room of the University of British Colombia. View from the plane. Traffic lights Vancouver. Rens Horn, my climb friend, great travel photographer, always there with his great stories of adventures to Baffin Island, the Amazon and whatever to lighten the day when I am stuck behind my desk. Raoul Deleo, greatest animator, designer and illustrator and lifelong friend, best friend to climb trees with, spot birds and jumping ditches. Helped out with selecting and organising the pictograms for the presentation. Sander Buijk, great illustrator and friend, who helped out when the going got tough, putting all the designs into vector based graphics. Grouse mountain eagle..I think, John de Vries great friend designer and best taste in art direction, who made an amazing presentation at the last minute and drove up here in the middle of the night just in time for me to get on the plane to Vancouver. A beautiful Centennial totem Pole in Hadden Park, Marieke Bokelman and Karlijne Brand my always supportive and fun designer friends who worked with me in a studio last months of the job. Raoul again and me, at Locarno Beach. Some people who are not on this picture, because they worked at the team in Vancouver. Are Leo Obstbaum, who was always, and really always there to talk about the illustrations and pictograms, even though he had a million other things to do, the medals the mascots, the informational pictograms, and most of all his wife and his daughter who he always talked about and shared everything with. He should have been there for the games. Ben Hulse, great designer and amazing guy to work with, very professional, and because of the schedule, a blessing, his feedback was essential. There where 24 team members and knowing Leo, I am sure everyone of the design team was involved in everything. I don’t know all the names but you can find some of them on Linked in like Shawn Parkinson, Chloe Douglas, Teena Aujla under Vanoc brand and creative services.

Thank you all for being my friend I could not have made it without you!

Ilonka Kamans, Roï Kazzaz, Tamar and Noa, Herman Kamans,
Raoul Deleo www.deleo.nl
John de Vries http://nl.linkedin.com/in/johndevries
Rens Horn www.rensomatic.nl
Sander Buijk www.sanderbuijk.nl
Marieke Bokelmans www.los.be
Karlijne Brand www.brandendzant.nl
And my mum and brother xi


  1. wo ist mein foto?.....martina heuvelmann, great cousin, always pretty and thin....in good mood....thanks to her an her lovely daughters....and dogs...

  2. hahah! Tina! jaaah! Du gehoerst auch dazu!! xixix


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